Before filming our music video, we needed to storyboard what we wanted to happen within our music video. After storyboarding these ideas, we then stuck them up onto a white wall so we could film them individually with a Sony NX5, and afterwards lay them under the song of choice. We edited all of these individual shots together using Final Cut Pro and synced the shots up to our track of choice (Feeling Good - Muse). This in turn gave us a rough cut of our video, therefore, if all of us were away on the day of our shoot, we would be able to leave someone else in charge and they would have been able to complete our idea. This also made us realise that some shots would not fit in certain places and that they would look better in other areas, it also made us realise that we did not have enough intensity within our music video and it was all a bit slowand soft which did not suit the theme of the song. Therefore, this pre-production use of media technology was crucial to the final outlook as it gave us the opportunity to correct certain areas of our animatic, and without our storyboard animatic the final product would look alot different today.
Here are the videos of us recording our storyboard animation :
Mobile technology has also been extremely useful for us as a group. The use of our Iphones was extremely beneficial as we were able to take photos, screen-grab pages from the internet and search links all while on the move and we were not confined to just our media lessons to complete the coursework. We could upload all of our photos and screen-grabs straight from our phones to our blogs, a number of the photos on this blog were actually uploaded while we were shooting our Music Video. With the use of internet on our smartphones, we were able to order costumes for our actors and have them sent to our shoot location which helped planning extremely well and it took a large weight off of our shoulders and while most groups were running around looking for their costumes on the day, we were safe in the knowledge that our costumes would be with us on time and in the right place. This use of the Iphone helped us enormously when it came to planning and it really shows how technological advances help within the media industry and pre-planning of a music Video shoot.

The use of the internet helped us achieve the best possible results in our coursework and although it wasnt the most exciting form of media technology we used, it was crucial! We used the internet to acces sites such as EBlogger (which is of course critical to our success in the coursework) YouTube and Google. Google was used alongside the Iphone as we were able to research band costumes and photo ideas for our band on google wherever we were, however most of the research was done in the class while we were all together as a group. Youtube was by far and away the most important as it allowed us to take inspiration from various groups and their attempts at their own Music Video's. It also allowed us to upload our Music Video, and receive feedback which has been extremely important in regards to our final coursework mark.

Finally, we set up a photoshoot with the band and although we were able to take photos on our iphones, it was easier for us to achieve the best look for our poster and digipak if we organised a professional shoot. The day went extremely well and we all had turns in directing the band and telling them how to stand and where to stand etc. All of this planning could not have produced the best results as we needed the photography studio, the professional photographer and the professional camera and we ended up using Adobe Photoshop to achieve the excellent Poster we have now. All of these peices of equipment are uses of media technologies that benefitted us in our final peice.
Here are the videos of us recording our storyboard animation :
EBlogger itself has been a crucial peice of technology that we have used in achieving the best results within our Coursework and our Music Video. It has allowed us to blog all of our pre-production ideas and our change of ideas, aswell as our research and planning. It has been extremely for us as a group, as all of our ideas have been in one place rather than everywhere which has allowed us to change ideas and find old bits of planning extremely easily.
Underneath this sentence is a link which helps to show the advantages of blogging, which is extremely relevant to the work that we have been doing and what we have achieved via the use of online blogging:
Mobile technology has also been extremely useful for us as a group. The use of our Iphones was extremely beneficial as we were able to take photos, screen-grab pages from the internet and search links all while on the move and we were not confined to just our media lessons to complete the coursework. We could upload all of our photos and screen-grabs straight from our phones to our blogs, a number of the photos on this blog were actually uploaded while we were shooting our Music Video. With the use of internet on our smartphones, we were able to order costumes for our actors and have them sent to our shoot location which helped planning extremely well and it took a large weight off of our shoulders and while most groups were running around looking for their costumes on the day, we were safe in the knowledge that our costumes would be with us on time and in the right place. This use of the Iphone helped us enormously when it came to planning and it really shows how technological advances help within the media industry and pre-planning of a music Video shoot.
The use of the internet helped us achieve the best possible results in our coursework and although it wasnt the most exciting form of media technology we used, it was crucial! We used the internet to acces sites such as EBlogger (which is of course critical to our success in the coursework) YouTube and Google. Google was used alongside the Iphone as we were able to research band costumes and photo ideas for our band on google wherever we were, however most of the research was done in the class while we were all together as a group. Youtube was by far and away the most important as it allowed us to take inspiration from various groups and their attempts at their own Music Video's. It also allowed us to upload our Music Video, and receive feedback which has been extremely important in regards to our final coursework mark.
Finally, we set up a photoshoot with the band and although we were able to take photos on our iphones, it was easier for us to achieve the best look for our poster and digipak if we organised a professional shoot. The day went extremely well and we all had turns in directing the band and telling them how to stand and where to stand etc. All of this planning could not have produced the best results as we needed the photography studio, the professional photographer and the professional camera and we ended up using Adobe Photoshop to achieve the excellent Poster we have now. All of these peices of equipment are uses of media technologies that benefitted us in our final peice.
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